Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2 0 1 3 / THE END

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Normally I'm not one for getting sentimental at the end of the year. This year however is a bit different. I've received a lot of support from some lovely friends. This overwhelms me and makes me thankful.
So on this last day of 2013 I've let them know they meant a lot to me this year and I greatly appreciate their friendship.

Nb. This is also the end of this blog. I started a 365 project over here: ZICHT
It's more focussed on photography and less personal.

You can always contact me here:

Saturday, November 30, 2013

t h i n g s I m a k e / another trailer!

Friday a week ago I had a meeting with Adentro for another trailer. They haven't made the performance yet, but wanted something that showed their ideas. On Sunday night we were cutting cardboard creatures and Tuesday we spend in a cold park, taking photo after photo after photo. Yesterday, precisely a week later, the trailer was done! Here it is.
I love doing stop motion and wanted to make some more stop motion clips, so when the idea came during our meeting I was all in. That's already one thing of my end-of-the-year list! I have some more to cross off, but will do that another time.

Monday, November 11, 2013

t h i n g s I m a k e / a trailer

I made this trailer for one of the very first groups I work with, Danstheater Adentro. I've been photographing and now also filming them for years. I love this new performance about a girl from the luxurious West and a Cuban boy and their little love story.
I hope you enjoy it.

I've been making more and more trailers and little videos. I love the medium and get a lot of feedback from people who have seen my videos. It feels good and I'm really curious where it'll bring me. I'm totally self-taught in making videos and editing them; hurray for the internet and youtube to learn about editing programs and the right way to use your camera.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

p h o t o d i a r y / 4

Some autumn pictures I took on a sunday morning walk while visiting my brother.

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Friday, October 11, 2013

b e r l i n / p a r t 2

Let's play catch-up, shall we!
I've got so many pictures to post and adventures to tell bits about. First some more pictures from Berlin. I really kick myself for not taking more photos, but I can always go back and be a real tourist. Here are some fond memories.

 photo IMG_8579.jpg The lovely birds I spend my time with.

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 photo IMG_8594.jpg One of the crazy lovely shops in Oderberger Stasse. During the day it's fun to shop here or catch some breakfast, at night there are beers. It's located next to Mauerpark, which is a must go to at Sunday morning.

 photo IMG_8631.jpg Munching away on my breakfast at our favorite breakfast place called KAFFE, next door to our app.

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 photo IMG_8570.jpg I started crocheting a blanket on the train to and from Berlin. Haven't had much time after this trip to continue, but who knows, one day...!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

v i d e o d i a r y / 3

I loved making this video. It was an amazing day with a big picnic and a parade and bonfire to push it over the top. My dear friends from Pretvormer make all these beautiful costumes, build dragons with kids and lights them on fire.
Music by Bird on the Wire

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

p h o t o d i a r y / 3

It's been a long long time since my last update. I've been busy, I've been on vacation and I've had an exposition with my video installation. All very exciting and will share more on it in the near future.
But first some pictures I took last night. Autumn nights are nice and cozy.

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Monday, September 2, 2013

p h o t o d i a r y / 2

Early morning walks on sunday are the best. Yesterday we walked to our beloved cafe for a coffee and walked back through the Amstel park in Amsterdam. We never really visited this park, but it is lovely! There is soo much to do! There's even a labyrinth! And lama's! And kangaroos!

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Friday, August 30, 2013

b e r l i n / p a r t 1

Berlin was great! It was sunny and funny and I met some amazing people, drank cheap beer, ate great cheap food and saw lots and then not sooo much.
We had rented bikes, so the amount of pictures is amazingly small I realized on coming home. I didn't think it wise to photograph/film while making my way through Berlin. I'll post the small amount of pictures I have anyway. I'll even make a few parts of my Berlin adventure.
Here the first one. We had a really really early train, but our getting up super early was rewarded with beautiful sights.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

l a t e l y / a u g u s t

I've been very busy and haven't had much time to blog. I worked a lot, but also had a lovely party in the park. This weekend I hang my honeycomb shelves with some help from my dad. Our living room has had a total transformation. We've thrown out the tv, because it was broken and decided not to get a new one. Right now I love sitting on our couch and thinking about what to change next. I already have a diy pouf in my mind.
It also made me start crocheting. I have loads of yarn from my mother and I think I'll try to make a grannysquare blanket, using Sandra Juto's lovely tutorial. It'll be a white and blue blanket with loads of different kind of yarns.
This week I'll go to Berlin! Afterwards I hope to share loads of photos and a video! When I'm back and the light is just right I'll share some more pictures from the new living room.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

outside the city

I'm working on loads of exciting projects, most of them video projects. It's great, because I get to work with other people, one of them being my boyfriend. He made music for some videos I've created (more on that in the future!) and I'm making videos for music he has made.

The great thing about Amsterdam and where I live, is that nature is just around the corner. About five minutes on my bike and here I am in the polder! The weather was great so I made some try out videos to accompany music inspired by the Dutch landscape. Along with that I snapped my outfit really quick. At the moment I'm into stealing my boys shirts and wearing them on black leggings. Easy breezy!

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Shirt - H&M mensdep, shoes - H&M, legging - H&M, sunglasses - H&M (Hmmm, there is a pattern to this outfit!)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

f o c u s / 7

This focus series has really helped me a lot. Whenever I feel a bit stuck, whether in work or something else, I just grab my camera with a 50mm lens and try to capture something I love. This way I can put things in perspective and make everything a bit simpler.

I love having flowers in the house. I love them in almost every state, being it buds, full blooming flowers, or sad drooping ones. The problem with this is that I never know when to throw them away. Sometimes I just don't, I have a vase with a wild assortment of dead, dried flowers stuck under my desk in the attic. No idea what to do with them. I just don't like throwing them away.
  The Great Willow Tree / focus / 7 photo IMG_8082.jpg

Friday, August 9, 2013

a little song

A little song to brighten your day.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

t h i n g s I m a k e / a stop motion movie!

I hope this little video can put a smile on your face!
I made it last year in my kitchen for a photography class assignment. The assignment was to photograph a place that stays the same, but is different every time. Think: a park bench where different people sit at different times. I thought about my kitchen being clean and then being messy a few hours later. The idea kind of flew to great heights and this is the result! It was my first attempt at stop motion and making a video. I'm still pretty happy with it! Enjoy

Kitchen life from Iris van Vliet on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

f o c u s / 6

These weeks have been way to hectic, but I hope it'll help me focussing on the things I want to accomplish. 
I always find calm and pleasure in my tiny balcony garden, putting tiny herbs in my lunch, cutting away dead flowers and seeing new ones grow and blossom. 

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

love to listen / Alpine

One of the bands in my summer playlist is Alpine. It's light and dreamy and perfect for summer evenings. And they have a clip with a lot of girls in it... Enjoy!

Monday, July 29, 2013

p h o t o d i a r y / 1

Some pictures from our bike ride to my grandmother and dad, with a little picnic/sleep along the way.
I love using this place partially as a diary, being it either photo or video. This way I do much more with all the pictures and video I make. Hope you enjoy it to!

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The pictures are edited with one of Julia Trotti's lovely free curves