Wednesday, March 6, 2013

City gardening - winter

I'm declaring it's spring in Amsterdam! We had a very sunny day yesterday and the day before, so it was time to look outside my kitchen door and fix the balcony. I thought it would be fun to do a series during the year, to compare my plants, plans and ideas about the balcony. Now it's all gray and empty, so you can see in the pictures below. I have loads of plans and am going to the garden centre this friday with my dad, so I needed to formalize my ideas. 
Since I just got a Wacom Bamboo tablet for my birthday from my boy (what!! I'm still amazed!!) I figured I could draw my ideas. Mind you, I can't draw, not in real life and certainly not on a tablet I'm just learning to use. But I like the results!

1: thyme, last years died, but I've already planted new ones
2: sage, last years died also, but I hope it'll regrow
3: rosemary, I have a lovely plant left over from last year
4: chives, is regrowing from last years mess
5: parsley
6: basil

Other herbs I'm growing can be seen here. I don't know yet where I will put them. I'm probably going to add more hanging baskets on the railing.

7: morning glory and black-eyed Susan
8: clematis, I only have one now, thinking about adding another for some more flowers
9: beans! I'm thinking about using chicken wire as a support to grow them on

Around this black obstacle in the middle of the balcony I want to grow some more black-eyed Susans. With chicken wire I'm going to create a form on which the Susan can climb. 

So here is how it's looking now. Almost no plants, all empty and gray, except for the blue berry plant I found at my supermarket. I'm very excited about this plant, I hope it will survive and give me blue berries from next year on!

This weekend I'm probably going to paint the concrete. We bought paint for it last year, but of course found no time to paint. I think this is the right time, when there aren't too many plants.

Also; I'm a very lucky girl, blessed with a little platform outside our attic rooms. Last year I build two planters there so I could grow more vegetables. I will post about my plans there soon (think tomatoes, lettuce, carrots etc!)

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